Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh, yeah... about that...

So, since I woke up today, I have been trying to come up with something I am thankful for... Something that today specifically God has revealed to me that I take for granted.
Well, here it is. I am thankful for technology.... yep, that's right. Me, Rachael, the technologically challenged blogger who took three months to find the picture upload icon is thankful for technology. Me, Rachael, the only person I know under 25 who can't make their own Cd's without help. Me, Rachael, the one who has notebooks filled with poems and journal entries, and yet avoids writing essays when it involves a keyboard.
For those of you who do not know, I can hardly set up a DVD player. However, I have learned (with much coaching from my younger sister and sister-in-law) how to use several programs and websites to get stuff done. And as much as I complain about cell phones and the Internet and cable television (and it's more evil competition satellite) I have become more and more aware that these things are often taken advantage of by me.
Through these, I have been able to keep contact with several friends. I have created beautiful gifts for family members. And I have been better equipped with resources that have helped me study the Word of God.
Also, most recently, they have kept me aware of just how much there is to be thankful for... just how much I have taken for granted...
So that concludes Day 13, the day I am thankful for the things I dread.

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

I didn't know that about you girl! hey... it is never too late to become savy on the computer. Look at me! HA :)

Thanks for sharing what you are thankful for. It blesses my heart!

I'm praying for you. For this production and for all of the details...

I love ya!!!