Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NO More Glass

This picture was taken a few days ago. Serene got to see her baby brother for the first time. Unfortunately it was with a glass wall between them.
Yesterday, however, she got to see him up close. She could touch him, hear him squeak, watch him eat and sleep. Yesterday, Skyler came home. Praise God. My dear sister-in-law was almost in tears thinking that she could finally bring him home. My brother was practically cheering the whole day.
It was a long day, but it had a happy ending.
My sister-in-law, Stephani, doesn't even know how much of a blessing she has been through this past two weeks of uncertainty. She continues to remind me that she is blessed that Serene is perfectly healthy and that Skyler just 'has a little trouble breathing'. We were talking the other day about the families at my church that are going through cancer treatments with their children.
Considering her circumstances, some might think she has the right to be very self centered now more than ever, but her little experience has helped us all focus on the situation that lasts much longer for so many others.
Now that Skyler is home, there will be no more daily trips to the hospital for the Morss family, but for so many families, that is a reality that they are learning to deal with. One that will not go away in two weeks, or even two months. For some families, this is a reality that they may face for years.
So today, rejoice with me as we praise our Creator for billions of lives sustained around the globe. Most in fairly good health. Some with the need of hospitals. Praise God that we have medicine for so many who need it. And praise Him that He has been merciful enough to remove pain from some, and to remove others from pain.
And pray for the strength of families who are now watching their children fight grown-up battles.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thanks Monica

Monica just gave me a blog award. So I am posting this blog to thank her, and to recognize those blogs that I appreciate.

Monica has already recognized most of my favorite blogs. However, I would like to recognize those she has not.

Basically... that means the AZ Mannings. So go check out their page. It is a crazy fun blog written by the various members of one of my favorite families to follow. Sometimes it's serious. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's just strange. Gotta love them Mannings.

And for those like me who don't understand what the award says, I copied this from a friend:
This blog invests and believes, the proximity. [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]. They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?

The official rules say we need to nominate 8 blogs.... so here are the others I will award:

Litten Lamn Academy- That's Monica's blog about homeschooling. Fun stuff. She also has been a real encouragement to me through comments.

Harrell Hearts at Home - Malinda always tells me that my blogs are "deep", but I have only godly women like her to thank for the wisdom I have so far gleaned.

The Road Less Traveled - My first friend at our church, Erica has become so dear to me. I always feel excited to read about her and David's adoption story. I love all their kids so much, and I think Erica is not only a great blogger, but a great mom, and a great friend. Quirks and all.

Meli's Family - Melissa's having a girl.... and we all are excited for her! That's because her blog has a way of making the every day stuff sound exciting and adventerous.

My Blessed Life - I love Tammy's fun style and her sense of humor that comes through in her writing. I love hearing about her fun kids.... both who are very trustworthy.

Sissy23 - Lauren reminds me of myself sometimes. Keep strong in the faith, girl. It's a harder race the longer you run. Thankfully, you don't have to run alone.

Contentment Corner - Julie is the reason I started blogging. She always is an encouragement in the real and virtual world. I love her genuineness, and her desire to learn is inspiring.

So these are the winners.... Love you all.

I'll post a real blog later, but this took all the time I have for now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Big Sister Serene

This is my niece Serene. She is a big sister now! And she has been a blessing to me in so many ways. For the past week and a half, her life has been crazy, especially for a child under 3. I have spent several nights with her since her brother was born, and every night she reminds us to pray for her brother, Baby Skyler because she loves him and misses him and wants him to come home.
She reminds me of how important it is to stop and pray and place our cares at the feet of the one who can handle them... Because guess what? We can't.
My word for the year is "Prayer". It is very fitting. In fact, I knew it would be prayer when we picked our words at the retreat. I said, "God, I know that my word is prayer, and I am okay with that as long as it isn't contentment again." And since returning home, I need more prayer than I thought.
My nephew is okay, but not where we had hoped, and he continues to be not at home. This means a lot of trips to the hospital for Mommy, and a lot of inconsistency for Serene.
However, she has benefited with a Big Sister Party and gifts from her Grammy and Papa and all her Tee-Tees. (That's Serenese for Aunts.) It's funny to look at your life and realize that the person you care about and think of the most is your preschool-aged niece. She is also the person that teaches me the most about life. She has started carrying the Bible her parents bought her everywhere. She asks for me to read it to her, and I am totally blessed by her love for God and His Word.
Man, I love this girl.
I just thought I'd share.
Continue in your prayers for Skyler, and for Aaron (3, recently diagnosed with cancer) and Jesse (16, recently diagnosed with Leukemia). I have to say, I think prayers are working now as these families face Job-like struggles.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is my nephew. Several weeks early, he's our little fighter. Keep him, and his mommy and daddy in your prayers please as we wait to meet him at home.

His mommy got to hold him for the first time last night. Even though he was born on Friday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This is the title of a song about testimony. The basic idea is that all Christians have their own story of how Christ has changed them and used them. Mine goes a little something like this.

Every Friday was Chapel day at VCA (my school). As a seven-year-old, this was usually a time for me to sing fun songs and to talk to friends without getting caught by the teacher. The pastor was always talking about wisdom and Proverbs. He seemed pretty angry. One week, he got up and was talking about how we were all going to Hell because we are sinners. Well that really scared me. After chapel, our teacher told us about a prayer that could save us. We were learning about Heaven that month, and she said if we said this prayer, we could go to Heaven with God. Well, I may have only been seven, but I knew that Heaven with a loving God was much better than Hell with the devil.
So I raised my hand and said the prayer.
The next week, I knew I had messed up again, and I was certain that my magic prayer should be said again. So I raised my hand.
My teacher promtly informed me that it was ok if I wasn't sure, but that I only needed to say the prayer once, and that God heard me. I wasn't so sure. The magic words must have worn off by this point. So, I repeated them again.
The next week, I didn't tell my teacher, I just said the prayer. I said it every week for a few months.
Then one day my children's choir went to a crusade. The preacher told us about how God loved us even though we mess up. He told us that when Jesus died it was to cover our sins. He said all we had to do was let Jesus come into our lives and be our Lord. To accept His salvation.
I had heard all these words before, but on that day it all made sense. On that day, I knew that God had sent His Son to die just for me. It finally clicked.
Well, this time, when I said the prayer, the words were a little different, and I knew they weren't magic. I just told God how I felt, and I knew that I was set for eternity. And the next week, I didn't have to say the prayer again.
And that is the beginning of my story. It is a long story full of good and bad times. Full of doubt, tears, and fears, but more than that full of Joy, Hope and Grace.

"So, what's your story about His glory?"