Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thanks Monica

Monica just gave me a blog award. So I am posting this blog to thank her, and to recognize those blogs that I appreciate.

Monica has already recognized most of my favorite blogs. However, I would like to recognize those she has not.

Basically... that means the AZ Mannings. So go check out their page. It is a crazy fun blog written by the various members of one of my favorite families to follow. Sometimes it's serious. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's just strange. Gotta love them Mannings.

And for those like me who don't understand what the award says, I copied this from a friend:
This blog invests and believes, the proximity. [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]. They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?

The official rules say we need to nominate 8 blogs.... so here are the others I will award:

Litten Lamn Academy- That's Monica's blog about homeschooling. Fun stuff. She also has been a real encouragement to me through comments.

Harrell Hearts at Home - Malinda always tells me that my blogs are "deep", but I have only godly women like her to thank for the wisdom I have so far gleaned.

The Road Less Traveled - My first friend at our church, Erica has become so dear to me. I always feel excited to read about her and David's adoption story. I love all their kids so much, and I think Erica is not only a great blogger, but a great mom, and a great friend. Quirks and all.

Meli's Family - Melissa's having a girl.... and we all are excited for her! That's because her blog has a way of making the every day stuff sound exciting and adventerous.

My Blessed Life - I love Tammy's fun style and her sense of humor that comes through in her writing. I love hearing about her fun kids.... both who are very trustworthy.

Sissy23 - Lauren reminds me of myself sometimes. Keep strong in the faith, girl. It's a harder race the longer you run. Thankfully, you don't have to run alone.

Contentment Corner - Julie is the reason I started blogging. She always is an encouragement in the real and virtual world. I love her genuineness, and her desire to learn is inspiring.

So these are the winners.... Love you all.

I'll post a real blog later, but this took all the time I have for now.


God's Girl said...

Awe... you are so sweet! Rachael, you are an inspiration to me to girl.

I love ya and I'll see you tomorrow!!!


Donna said...

Thank you Rachael, it is appreciated.

The Manning's

faithfullyhis said...

Rachael, I am so glad you blogged pictures of Serene,Skyler, and family. I have really wanted to see a picture of Skyler. Your Uncle Doug and I are praying about how God wants us to support you and the trip to Ethiopia. We love you and are proud of you. Love Aunt Linda