Sunday, December 27, 2009

Counted Worthy

Christmas flew past, and the New Year is fast approaching. I can't believe how soon I will be headed back to Peru. I have not accomplished, yet, all the things on my to-do list, but I have been able to enjoy my family and friends. I have spent a lot of time catching up with my niece, and as always, she has taught me some valuable lessons by her simple childlike questions.
She has such a strong desire to please me, her parents, and God. I remind her over and over that God loves her and so do we. And that love is not dependent on her actions.
The truth of the matter is that I need to be reminded of this as often as she does. God loves me, not matter what I do.
Lately, I have been overcome by my unworthiness. I feel as though nothing I can do will make a difference. It's true. I am unworthy, and nothing I do, on my own, will amount to anything. But, as we studied in church this morning, I am a friend of God. He sees me in the light of Christ's righteousness. He is faithful, even when I am faithless.
In 2 Corinthians 5: 21, Paul talks about how, through His work on the cross, Christ has traded places with us. When we accept the grace of God, we take on the righteousness of Christ's life, just as He took on our sin that day.
This truth is overwhelming, and if this was all that the cross did, it would be enough. But that's not all. God's grace doesn't only save us and make us right with God, it gives us a part in the salvation of others.
God gives us Christ's righteousness so that He can abide in us and change us into Christ-like Christians. We have the opportunity to live out an abundant life through Christ in which He makes a difference and we get to be part of that difference in the world around us.
In Galatians, Paul tells us that after accepting Christ, He ceased to live for himself, but allowed Christ to live through him. This is the secret to making a difference for God's kingdom. And this is something we can only do when we realize that God has already made us righteous.
When we realize that God sees the perfection of Jesus when He looks at us, then, we can have the confidence to live in an attitude of humble righteousness like He did. He will change us into the men and women who can do the work He has planned in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
As much as I love my favorite 4-year-old, God loves me more. And though I may talk back, disobey, and throw tantrums once in awhile, His love is unfailing. And He still wishes to use me for His purposes here on this earth, and, as the disciples who we glad to suffer for Christ, I am so happy to be counted worthy of His name.

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