Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

As I strolled down the streets of Magdalena with my red scarf, red socks and patriotic t-shirt, the familiar sting of disappointment hit me. Once again, I am missing out on something very American because I am in another country. All week long, I have been humming patriotic songs and thinking of fireworks and hot dogs. But today, I am here, alone in my room, without any patriot plans of my own. But then, in the midst of my pity party, I am reminded, once again, why I am here.
I am not here, in Peru to tell Peruvians how great my country is, or to share apple pie and pot roast with their unenlightened taste buds. I am not here to prove to them that showering while sick does not lead to instant death. I am not here to prove that not all people from the USA are unable to speak a second language.
I am here because this is where God sent me. He wants me to share His love with these people. To tell them that He sent His Son to die for them, and that Jesus Christ is the only intercessor between God and man.
Last week, a group of amazing young people came from Chino Valley, California, and I got the privilege of serving as one of four translators on their trip to Ica, Peru. Ica is awesome. It's a little city on the northern tip of the world's driest desert. I felt right at home. :) I got to know these people with a love for the Lord as we helped Pastor Robin and his wife, Traci who serve at Iglesia Christiana Koinonia Ica. I was blessed beyond measure to see God use my Spanish in ways I couldn't imagine. I spoke to people of all ages, including a 90 year old abuela who was proud of her ability to wander around without an escort.
I may never see any of these amazing people I am getting the opportunity to know again this side of heaven, but the instant bond of friendship between believers never ceases to amaze me. I would trade every holiday from now til the Millennium to keep serving my God wherever He calls me. His blessings are much better than any 4th of July parade or block party.
And as proud as I am to be an American and as grateful as I am for that blessed freedom we celebrate today, it cannot compare to the freedom I have in Christ Jesus.

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