Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Good Life

My life is great! I graduated high school with a group of friends who all had dreams. Some dreamed of making it on Broadway or in Hollywood. Some wanted to become great business men and women. Some desired to just be married and start a family. I wanted to be in ministry and living in another country. Now, about 3 years later, I am living in Peru, serving the Lord while studying the Bible. It's beautiful. Many of my friends from high school are still working towards their goals, but more have gotten further and further away. Some have changed their mind, or given up. I feel blessed that God has shown me His will for my life at such a young age.
I often get discouraged when I look into the future, and I try to figure it out. When I was a young girl in high school, I was terribly confused when it seemed like I was moving further from becoming a missionary because I had an idea of how I would make that happen. But God did things His way, and so far this life is much better than I could have made it on my own.
Last week, I was able to spend some time in San Bartolo in a beautiful ocean side resort. Each day, several times, I found myself in wonder, praising God for the opportunity to be somewhere I could never have imagined. And as I look back on my life, I realize that there are so many blessings that I would have missed out on if God had let me do everything my way.
Recently, I have been looking at my options for further education after Bible College. I realize that if I pursue the path I feel God is directing me in, I will have at least three more years of schooling ahead of me. And I may have to go to a school other than the one I would choice for myself. These, among other factors, scare me. I pray, God, don't you want me to serve you? Don't you want me in ministry? Haven't you called me to this place? Don't you have these plans for my life? And the truth is, God answers all these questions with a resounding, Yes! But we are gonna do things My way. Not yours.
I have walked with God long enough to know that I can trust Him. I need to rest in His faithfulness and trust in His promises. Sometimes that is hard. Sometimes, I don't see how I can afford to do things His way, but the truth is I can't afford to do things my way. God knows everything, including the future, and His way is always the best way. His plans never fail. So, right now as I am making plans for my summer here, and for my future, I will keep my eyes on Christ as He leads me in His ways.
I challenge you to seek God while you make plans. His plans may seem crazy, less direct, or costly, but they are always best. They come from the mind of an infinite God who loves you and wants you to prosper.

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