Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our equipo in Arequipa

I, along with seven of my friends from Lima, was able to spend a great week in Arequipa with a team of young people from 5 churches from Virginia and North Carolina. We had a blast as we ministeredalong side Pastor Efrain and his church. We dug in the dirt, ate at a fancy restaraunt and experienced pretty much everything in between. This was a great trip for this group because it showed them a great variety of what Peru's mission field looks like.
I was happy to take part in their experience, and get to know yet another famous peruvian site. The team was amazed at arriving to Arequipa to find that those of use from Lima thought it especially clean and green. They almost cringed at the thought of something bigger, dirtier, and less green. I, loviing Lima as I do, basked in the sunshine we were able to enjoy as we went about our Father's business.
We shared Jesus in parks and schools, helped at a construction site for a new church, and came alongside the coffee shop ministry there. It was a blessing for me to see these young teens work so hard. I was refreshed in my spirit and reminded why I love ministry.
This summer has been a great struggle for me, and many of my close friends and family know. As much as I love Peru, this summer, my heart has been in Arizona and what is waiting for me there. On my trip to Arequipa, God gently reminded me that He has called me here for a reason. I am here to serve Him. I need to be focused on Him, not my ministry even, but on my God, my beloved.
With that said, I have one week left here in Lima, to enjoy my city and my friends before heading from the middle of winter, to mansoon season (God save me). I am planning to enjoy it. I know my next blog will be the better time to share this verse I have, but, just in case, I thought I'd share it now. This is a verse for the children's ministry team at CC Surprise, for my family, and for my fellow missionaries here. I came accross it last week while reading ahead during a team devo (shhhh... don't tell on me).
1 Thessalonians 2:17 -- "But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short while—in person, not in spirit—were all the more eager with great desire to see your face." (NASB)
This is my thought for you all. Though we are temporarily separated, my thoughts and prayers are with you. In fact, by that separation, my love for you is not weakened. On the contrary. My desire to be with you is even greater. I am excited to hear more about what God has done in my absense and to share what He has done in and with me.
God bless, and I'll see you soon. Very soon

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I know we've come so far, but we've got so far to go.

As the time grows closer for me to leave Peru, I am beginning to realize how much I will miss this place. My life has been here for the last year. And being here I have learned a lot. But what means the most to me is something that I faced again this week. As much as I know and as much as I have grown, I still have a long way to go.
The other day, I was upset about something silly, and I justified my anger.
I often let my mind dwell on thoughts I shouldn't.
I sometimes get lazy and ignore a simple task that God would have me complete.
More often than not, I need to repent of my attitude when making beds or getting up earlier than I want to.
These are just a few of the sins that are hideous to God. I am learning to hate them to. I want to hate my sin as much as God does so that I can become the woman He wants me to be. I want to be more like His Son who stands between me and Him. I want to be worthy of the Name that I hold. I want to be able with Paul to say that I have done all that God has asked of me.
That is my goal. And that is my challenge to you this week. If you have just realized your need for a Savior, or if you have been walking with our Lord for years, there is still so much more that God wants to change in you. Sanctification is a process... it's sometimes painful, sometimes ugly, but always worth it.
Next week I am going to Arequipa. Pray for me, that God would use me and the team to do His work. I will be back in Lima for just a few weeks after that. See you soon. :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

As I strolled down the streets of Magdalena with my red scarf, red socks and patriotic t-shirt, the familiar sting of disappointment hit me. Once again, I am missing out on something very American because I am in another country. All week long, I have been humming patriotic songs and thinking of fireworks and hot dogs. But today, I am here, alone in my room, without any patriot plans of my own. But then, in the midst of my pity party, I am reminded, once again, why I am here.
I am not here, in Peru to tell Peruvians how great my country is, or to share apple pie and pot roast with their unenlightened taste buds. I am not here to prove to them that showering while sick does not lead to instant death. I am not here to prove that not all people from the USA are unable to speak a second language.
I am here because this is where God sent me. He wants me to share His love with these people. To tell them that He sent His Son to die for them, and that Jesus Christ is the only intercessor between God and man.
Last week, a group of amazing young people came from Chino Valley, California, and I got the privilege of serving as one of four translators on their trip to Ica, Peru. Ica is awesome. It's a little city on the northern tip of the world's driest desert. I felt right at home. :) I got to know these people with a love for the Lord as we helped Pastor Robin and his wife, Traci who serve at Iglesia Christiana Koinonia Ica. I was blessed beyond measure to see God use my Spanish in ways I couldn't imagine. I spoke to people of all ages, including a 90 year old abuela who was proud of her ability to wander around without an escort.
I may never see any of these amazing people I am getting the opportunity to know again this side of heaven, but the instant bond of friendship between believers never ceases to amaze me. I would trade every holiday from now til the Millennium to keep serving my God wherever He calls me. His blessings are much better than any 4th of July parade or block party.
And as proud as I am to be an American and as grateful as I am for that blessed freedom we celebrate today, it cannot compare to the freedom I have in Christ Jesus.