Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today I will...

"If you are going to college for any reason other than to be a missionary, you are going for selfish and sinful reasons."
(Please understand the context of this quote. In this case, missionary does not mean a person who is paid to spread the word of God to people in other countries, but merely a fisher of men, a disciple-maker.)
Ouch. The leader of my college's Christian Challenge said this to our group at an event about a week ago, and it really hit me. I started thinking. Why do I do the things I do? Do I do them because of something I will gain? Do I do them out of obligation? OR Do I do them for God?
Do I work for God? Go to school for God? Volunteer for God? Go to church for God? Do I generally live my daily life for God?
Paul says, "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20) As a Christian, my life should belong to Christ. Do I give him that control?
When I really searched myself, the answer was "no". There are many things I realized were not in the more than capable hands of the Creator.
Giving Him these things, I strive to say with a sincere heart that "the life I live in this body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave Himself up for me." (Galatians 2:21) It's the least I could do, but it's all I CAN do. And it's only logical.
One thing I need to give to God is my schedule. But when I give this up, I realize it needs to be me giving time to God out of a love response, not some "spiritual" obligation.
I recently have been beating myself up for missing quiet time. Every time I think I've figured out the perfect time for God, my schedule changes.
But the problem is I have gone about this the wrong way. Instead of staring at my planner trying to "squeeze God in", I should be staring at my God. It should be easy to find time for the Lover of my soul.
Don't get me wrong; we all need a little discipline, and I have learned to make quiet time a priority, even when I don't feel like it. But the point is, living for God is not about setting up a life around godly works. It's about letting God change you to be more like Him.

1 comment:

Sierra Leone Mission Trips said...

Love your comments! Our church's challenge is to "Transform Our World" by living a "Life On Mission." Our pastor recently said that to live this way really is the normal Christian life. It should come so naturally to us to share Christ as we go about our daily lives. WOW! That God even sees fit to use me is simply amazing!

"God's girl" found my blog and commented on it, so I'm having fun today peeking in on some of her friends.

Have a great day!