Thursday, August 21, 2008

The life of a Christian college student.

As a college student, there are a few questions that I get asked A LOT. I really must admit that sometimes I rattle off an answer I know people expect, even if it is not the whole truth. So here are the questions and the REAL answers.

Q:What's your major?
A: This is usually a loaded question. When college students ask each other this question, they mean "What classes are you taking?" They usually want to find a common ground for conversation and friendship. When "responsible adults" ask college students this question, who knows what they really mean. I've often had professors use this as a launching point to suggest I switch majors. Friends parents want to know, "Are you a responsible person, or a loser that is a bad influence on my child?" The truth is, there is not an answer I have given that seemed satisfactory to those who ask this question.... But I have not promised a satifactory answer. I only promised the truth. The truth is, I am a General Studies major. I will graduate in May with an AA in General Studies.... I know, I know. I told you I am asked this question a lot. I have also answered it a lot. I know what you're thinking.

Q:How many classes are you taking?
A: Another trick question. I am always taking to many or too few. I really can't help that. My usual answer "I am a full-time student." That is usually vague enough to weed out the truely nosy from the casual conversationalists. The nosy one always asks again until I give the more specific answer they are looking for. "I am taking 12 credits right now." This is the part where an unaproving eyebrow raises and the question is known without being asked. "But I take summer and winter classes. Besides, I work 30 hours a week." I often leave out my volunteer work because some people suggest I drop it in order to take more classses.... Let me just go on the record saying "I take 12-13 credits a semester." Period.

Q:What do you want to be when you are done with school?
A:I have changed my mind so many times on what exactly I am going to do that this question might never be totally answered until I am retired. I want to teach in some realm. I know I am going to be in ministry somewhere, but what I'll do for money (which is what this question really means) I don't know. I may come home after college and work at Starbucks for the rest of my life. (Actually, that sounds kinda perfect.) Or I may get a paying position at a church. Or I may marry and never actually work a paying job after I'm 25. Who knows? Yes, Mom, I will keep my options open. I may go back to school and get my teaching credentials. But the truth is, and we are talking truth here, I don't know. And really don't think many "kids" my age do.

Q:Where are you going to school?
A: This is another status question. It usually comes from co-workers and people I went to high school with. They want to know how smart I am or how much money I have. I go to a community college and live at home. No, it's not the exciting "college experience" that we all imagine, but affordable it is. And accredited also.

Q: And after that?
A: I would love to say that I am positive that at this time next year I will be in Lima, Peru. Honestly, I don't know what tomorow will bring. I believe God wants me at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, but He may lead me somewhere else. So I am trying not to rush ahead. I am planning for it though. I am doing my research and saving some money. We'll see where it all ends up.

Q:How do you pay for it?
A: Scholarship. Work. Living at home. These are all honest answers. They all factor in. But the truth: God. I don't know how I will pay for next year without a miracle, and when I graduated I felt the same way about my first semester. God has it under control.

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A:What's free time? Any time I have free, I immediately fill. This blog takes up most of my "free time." But really, like many college students know, blogging usually happens when you should be studying for that Psych final you have in two hours. Friends often ask me what I am doing on the weekend. My answer, "Not much." The truth: What am I not doing? I work. I go to school. I teach Sunday School. I am involved in several ministries at my church and on campus. I volunteer at my sister's school. And I have a large close-knit family that has stolen all my heart and free time. But like I have told some friends, "If you want to do something, I will make time for you. It's just not free."

So that is my truth. I mean that is obviously not all there is to me, and my life. And this may not be the answers that any other person would give to these questions. But I am pretty sure that most college students can relate to at least one of these. And keep in mind that we do hear these questions.... A LOT.

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