Monday, August 2, 2010

One More Day...

Today, I crawled out of bed around 9:30 am. My nose running, and my mouth dry, hating the cool air on my arms and ever-so-grateful for my socks and extra blankets, I didn't exactly spring into action. I was up half the night try to figure out how to do what the medicine I took was supposed to. But, despite my current lack of health, I found myself rather joyful this morning. If you are asking why, then you must not realize how much I have been looking forward to this day.
Today, I celebrate one more time waking up in a city I have come to love.
Today, I get to return to one I have learned to call home.
Today, I will enjoy one more day with those who have become my family over the last year.
Today, I head into the arms of those I have missed all the while.
Today, I have one more day serving God in a different culture.
Today, I can step back into the familiar.
Today, I speak Spanish for one more day in a country that claims it with pride.
Today, I will speak English again without fear of being misunderstood.
Today, I have one more day. I have been blessed beyond measure to live this day to its fullest and to joyfully embrace the place God has me, all-the-while looking ahead with gladness at what tomorrow holds.
I have one more day in Lima, Peru, and one more day to serve my Lord. Today is special. It's one more day to do what I was created for.
So, I will not allow my cold symptoms to stop me as I say good bye to all my dear friends. I must admitt, I am not sad to leave. I am thrilled. I have had a very hard time smiling with the few goodbyes I've said. I am ready for the next step. I am ready to walk in God's good, pleasing and perfect will.
I just want to share a passage that has meant a lot to me this week, thinking about all the people who have continued to support me on this journey:

[3] I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, [4] always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, [5] in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. [6] For I am confident of this very
thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of
Christ Jesus. [7] For it is only right for me to feel this way about you
all, because I have you in my heart, since both in my imprisonment and in
the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of grace
with me. [8] For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the
affection of Christ Jesus. [9] And this I pray, that your love may abound
still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, [10] so that you
may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and
blameless until the day of Christ; [11] having been filled with the fruit of
righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of
God. - Philippians 1:3-11 NASB
I am so pleased to know that my journey is not over. God has so much more to teach me, and so many more works for me to walk in. And I am so excited to go where ever He leads.

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