Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Earth Shook Yesterday

Yesterday started like any other Saturday, only quieter. We had a group at a surf camp, and a group in Canta on a retreat, and a group leaving early for the beach with the kids from their outreach. I was enjoying my day, but was rather preoccupied with thoughts about finances, and whether or not my brother is moving, and buying laundry detergent, and unfinished homework for my Revelation class. Like I said- a normal day.
Then, I made my bed, placing Po the Panda beside my pillow, and whispering a prayer for my niece. I did some reading, still distracted, and praying for all the things I think I need.
Opening my computer is the next step in my day usually, and I wanted to see if my parents had heard about the insurance situation, yet. Seeing that I had no reply on Skype and no new emails, Facebook was the next logical step. And a few comments on my news feed caught my eye. One was to my dad, one to my sister-in-law and one to me, from a worried friend who was certain I was under a building somewhere. Another well-meaning friend also wanted to make sure that I wasn't caught in the rubble-y aftermath of the giant earthquake I had no idea about. I knew that something was up, but for some reason didn't immediately check the news, but kept chugging along with my to-do list after reassuring my friends and family that I had not even heard of any earthquake in Peru, and that I and all my friends were very safe despite their bad source of information.
At "Brunch" the other students explained the situation to me. Chile is a mess. There are tsunami warnings all over the Pacific west coast, and Hawaii. I went upstairs and read the news. Cities in rubble, roads overturned, death toll rising. My heart skipped a beat as I prayed.
Thoughts were with our friends on the beach, friends in Hawaii, missionaries in Chile... no wonder my friend thought I was dead. The news looked bad. And it was.
My next thought: Wat if it was me?
Not too long ago there was an earthquake in Haiti, and the next was in Chile. And they aren't going to stop. The earth is headed to it's end, and I can joyfully shout, "Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!" But He's not here yet. Am I really living like today could be my last on earth until the Millennium?
In our Revelation class, we were just talking about the eminent return of Christ. it should make each of us wake up and live for God. We should be trying to take as many hurting souls with us to heaven as we possibly can because the next earthquake could hit you... or them.
I am certain beyond doubt that I am going to spend eternity with my victorious Savior. Why? Because I have accepted His sacrifice on the cross in exchange for my sin. Jesus took my place and yours so we wouldn't have to go to Hell, and so we wouldn't have to suffer the wrath God will one day pour out on the earth that has rebelled against Him. Then, after three days, He rose from the dead, proving that we too will rise with Him if we choose to follow Him and accept His free gift of Salvation. Soon, He will return and Redeem those, both live and dead who have called on Him for forgiveness.
If you haven't, please do, before it's too late. And if you have, please join with me in sharing the hope hat with share with the lost and dying world... before it's too late.
It may be another earthquake that takes you or it may be the Rapture. Either way, what service will you have to show when you stand before the One who died in your place. If God has asked you to do something, anything, what are you waiting for. The Earth Shook Yesterday.

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