Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Week in Lima

Ok, so I only arrived Wednesday night, but I figured that Sunday was a good day to post a regular week-to-week update, so we will call this week one. I have been trying to journal every night so I don't forget anything I wish to share with you. So, here is a basic rundown of my week and some pictures (more to come) because everyone loves pictures! :)

This is on the wall by our lounge area. I took more pictures, but the internet is slow, so I don't want to load more right now.

This is what I see when I step out of my room. It is coool. In case you know zero Spanish, that means, "Jesus loves you."

This is the desk and closet shared by four girls including me...

The last picture is my bunk bed, I'm on top... It isn't that messy anymore.

Thursday: I woke up in Lima. I was scared. It was early and cold. I wasn't sure who or where anyone was. i wandered aroung for awhile before doing what I knew I should: read my Bible.
Then I prayed, "LOrd, show me why you have brought me here." By lunch, I had made many friends. By dinner, I heard many testimonies, and by bedtime, I was convinced, and still am, that I am in God's will and that Lima has much to offer.
I have Masa's picture by ny head and my fairwll cards under my pillow. Every night I fall asleep to audio books and prayer for you all.

Friday: We had a great day. I met even more people. Some of us went for a walk around the block and I was finally able to exchange some money. John Bonner is the head pastor of the church and basically in charge. His son graduated that day, and is leaving soon for York, England. So we celebrated with him today. I am so glad the Lord has brought me here with all these great people. I can't wait to see what He will do in and through us this semester.

Saturday: Orientation.... It wasn't too bad. It was pretty exciting to talk about the semester ahead. I also talked to Traci a lot (she's from AZ, and we met before we came). Which is good because we needed to catch up. We also got to meet John's wife Pilar. She had all the girls over for waffels and ice cream. Yum. It was a fun time.
There is always an opportunity to be doing something here. My prayer for my fellow students is to seek God first and to make quiet time a priority when we get busy with our studies this week.

I will put today's summary in next week's post as there is still much of the day ahead of me. Please pray for the students as we continue to seek God's direction for our lives beyond this semester.


Meli_Mama said...

Sounds like such a wonderful experience. Thanks so much for keeping us updated.

drea said... are GREAT!! I am praying for you right now dear friend. I know that the Lord will reveal Himself to you in the days, weeks and months to come.

Oh...we may have our refferal today!! I'll let you know when I find out.