Last Sunday, we all went the 11:00 am Spanish Service at Calvary Chapel Lima. I understood more than I expected, adn even learned some Spanish. Lunch, as always, was good. Then I just hung out til dinner time. Then, we went to Enfoque! The best service I've been to in awhile, billingual, with great teaching. (Enfoque means focus, ie Jesus es mi enfoque.)
Monday, I started class, and it's basically amazing. But the book is hard to read. Mostly because it is so easy to get distracted.... I have to read over 300 pages by Friday morning! We are studying Church History in light of Acts and Jesus letters to the 7 churches in Revelations. It is really sad to see how we are now in the Age of Apostacy. I pray that young believers would rise up and be filled with a passion to reach the people dying around them. I have such a heart for America's youth, and being here, I am even more convinced that I will return to them and be a light for Christ there someday. I just don't know how long I will be gone. I feel like Paul, longing to see my people come to Christ, but seeing acceptance from anyone but them.
Tuesday, I lead devotions.... It was crazy that I went first. Each day a different student leads, but I am first and last (ironic) and I am the only one who will lead it 4 times instead of 3. I spoke about how sacrificing our lives for God is our reasonable act of worship. And that is something God was teaching me a lot on my way here.
Wednesday and Thursday... more of the same. Classes. Homework. Chill time. Thinking that denominations and 'movements' are not perfect, and I can't wait til the Body is all one, whcn we are united with our bridegroom.
Friday, I witnessed to a friend, and tried to give a reason for the hope that is within me... I was frustrated. (But God reminded me the next morning that I do not win souls, and that I must keep sharing my faith.)
Saturday: Field Trip Day! We went to the Museum of the Inquistion here, and to a church. Can you say Paganism? And perverting the name of Christ.... terible'. We had some Chifa (Chinese food) for dinner. AWESOMENESS!!! Then we watched Star Wars Episode IV.
Today, I went to church in Spanish and in English. Then ate lunch. Then down time... mostly because I was locked out of mi cuarto. Then, dinner, and an awesome concert. Fantastic!
Please pray that my Spanish will improve, and that I will learn how to walk blameless before my God... He has given me the word "blameless" several times this week, and I am sure it means something important to my near future.