And this Friday is a big first in my family. I will be the first to get a college degree. I graduate with an AA in General Education. Then, on Monday, Leah graduates from HS. She will be the first to attend a University. Her and I will both live away from home from the first time. And since we are so close, I will miss her. We shared a room most of our lives. Now, we will live on
separate continents. Talk about a tough transition, who will help me when I don't know which button to push on the computer? Who will teach me how to use my first
iPOD, and my first laptop?
Then, I will be the first to go to Peru in August, and in October, my nephew will celebrate his first birthday. And then, in November, I will miss my dad's birthday and Thanksgiving with my family for the first time.
Soon, my parents will live alone. Just the two of them, for the first time. Though they swear otherwise, I am sure they will miss us.
While some of these firsts are sad, they share something in common: they are undoubtedly exciting. Anything is
exciting, if a little scary, the first time. They share that common element of the unknown. But I am so glad because then, I must make a choice of where to place my faith. My prayer right now is that my family and I all put our faith in Christ as we approach all these firsts, both good and... not so good. That we remember, that although for us it is a first, for God there is no such thing. He is beyond time, and so He has experienced and is already experiencing the firsts of all mankind throughout all history eternally. And He is prepared to face all of our firsts for us.
So, as I plan to pack my first items into my suitcase, and take that first step into the Sky Harbor International terminal (and symbolically a whole new life), I will trust that Jesus is the Lord of Firsts. He is Alpha God, and He is in control. He was here with me before history. And like a good pastor friend of mine said today, God has no beginning. Remember the words of God to Moses: "Before Abraham was, I AM."
And the words of John: "In the beginning was the Word." And that same Word, from the beginning of time has a life of good works set out for me, and for you. If He stepped out of time, and planned my life, and yours, in a way that leads to Him, would He not take care of a life of obedient service to Him after we have responded to His call?
Amen, He would, and HAS. And I am so hopeful in my firsts before me, and even those I don't yet know. But most importantly, the First I await the most is the first time I see Him physically. If I missed every other first to see Him sooner, I would have missed nothing.
Have a great day, its the first time you've seen this today. Embrace it in the Lord of Firsts.