Friday, September 26, 2008

Praying for Aaron

I think that it's time I posted something on here about our dear little friend, Aaron. Aaron Robinson is not even 4 years old and has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I have been Aaron's Sunday school teacher for about a year. I saw this little boy almost every week. He's normal and healthy with his own strengths and weaknesses. Like every child in my class, I have learned what makes Aaron smile, and what makes him cry.
I was shocked to learn that he has cancer, but I am so glad to know that there are so many people who are praying for Aaron.
The Bible tells us that prayer is powerful. So right now, whatever you are doing, I would like to ask you to stop and pray for Aaron.
Now pray for Ben, his little brother.
And Barbara, Aaron and Ben's mommy.
And Damon, their dad.
And now pray for Aaron, one more time.
Thanks. I know God will use our prayers.


God's Girl said...

Oh Lord, we continue to pray for this sweet, little guy, Aaron! Surround him with Your love and grace and healing touch!!!

God's Girl said...

Hey Rachael,
I just wanted to say "GREAT JOB" last night! I love how you did the rehearsal.

We are so very blessed to have you serve in this way! Thank you for giving so much to the Lord!

I love you girl!!!!!