Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Oh, Barney.

I would like to preface this with a warning. This blog is pretty long.
So most Americans over the age of 5 have probably heard of the Flinstones. And even those deprived few who haven't seen the show probably would understand a off the wall reference to Fred and his pal Barney. And then, of course, even those who did not grow up on cartoons probably know that famous Sheriff Andy Griffith and his Deputy. What's his name again? Oh, yes. Barney. And no one could forget the giant purple dino who has been best buds to many a preschooler. His name also, you guessed it, Barney.
Now, you may think that this is just coincidental, and you may be right. But how many Barneys do you know? Personally? If your number is greater than 3, you are in the minority on this one. Sorry, but Barney is not exactly a common name. However, there is one more Barney I would like to share with you. One who I think these three media friends may have been named after.
Who is this Barney? Well, I don't think he ever was actually called "Barney", but that is the modern nickname for Barnabas. And the Barnabas I am speaking of was sidekick to none other than the apostle Paul.
Paul's Barney could teach us a thing or two. Just like Fife and Rubble, he is compassionate and encouraging to the man usually in the spotlight. He is a lesser known hero, but today, I will give him the spotlight as I share with you what God has taught me from studying this Barney.
One Sunday, Pastor K. reminded us that we all need a Barnabas (an encourager) in our lives. (The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as I have recently stumbled upon my own just recently.) However, he didn't stop there. He also reminded us that we need to be a Barnabas to those around us. That challenged me. So I began to think. How do I get to be that to someone else?
From Todd: 'Barnabas' literally means "son of encouragement".... hmmm... no excuses not to be that.
From "Extracting the Precious From Galatians", by Donna Partow-- "Barnabas started as Paul's mentor (Acts 9:27) became his ministry partner in Antioch (Acts 11:25-26) and fellow missionary (Acts 12:25)"
So of course, I started reading all those verses in Acts, and this is what I found. He wasn't just a softy with a big heart. He was brave. He stood up to the apostles on Paul's behalf. (Check out Acts 9) When's the last time I stood up for a brother or sister? And he stood up to the most powerful church leaders!
Then, those same leaders chose him to accompany Paul in Antioch. I suspect not only because he was Paul's buddy, but more importantly because they trusted his maturity and discernment. Well in Acts 11, if you keep reading, you find out something awesome about good ol' Barney. He was the tool God used to grow the church in Antioch. His encouragement is specifically noted at the time when believers were first called "Christians", a nickname a little more popular than "Jesus Freaks" but with similar connotation on both sides.
What a hero to look up to! But even though God blessed Barnabas with a compassionate heart, it wasn't always just "a happy family with a great big hug". However, after studying this man, we can relate to Paul's shock in Galatians 2: 13 when he writes that "even Barnabas was led astray". What? Barney? No, way! Can't you just see the look on Paul's face.
Barnabas made mistakes, too. And he didn't always get along with everyone. Not even Paul. In fact, Paul and Barnabas broke up their great ministry team over a disagreement. (Read about it in 15.) However, there is never an attack on the character of this man of God. Even though he stumbled, as we all do, he is a great example of what Christians should be to each other. Ephesians 4: 2 says that we should be "completely humble and gentle; be patient , bearing with one another in love." And that's what Barnabas did.
So, now I need to find a Paul to encourage. lol.


God's Girl said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing.
You definately have a gift for writing and expressing your self.
Keep sharing your insights and you will be encouraging more people than you'll ever know.

Lauren said...

That's pretty cool. I am going to go get that sermon for my iPod right now. Awesome!

Sissy 23
(aka Lauren from church)