Monday, April 6, 2009

Entry 2: "Some one plaese save us"

The words to "College Kids" by Relient K ran through my head over and over again this weekend as I was constantly reminded of how desperate "us college kids" really are for direction. A typical conversation with my friends often leads to at least one dilemma we are facing at the present time. Sometimes, it's something as simple as what to eat for lunch, or whether to actually go to class(the right answer of course is "yes", just in case a mother or professor asks). And sometimes it's not so simple. Do I live at home, and save money? If I have a choice, do I get a job? What major should I pick? What school should I transfer to next?

This weekend, my dear friends and I were removed from our normal set of questions and introduced to something new, and to be honest, a little frightening. This weekend we took part in AZ Fuzion, which is a program that brings college students from all over AZ to help plant churches in Tucson. Now, right now, my parents are serving along side some dear family friends in a church plant in Peoria. So, I have some knowledge of what this might entail. And my home church is still sharing space, so I understand some of those frustrations. But this weekend, our challenge was not the activities we helped with at these young churches, but rather what thoughts came along with this.

We were challenged by the pastors and leaders to take what we learned this weekend and pray about planting a church at our college.... now! A crazy and completely impractical, totally illogical by almost any standard, and absolutely a God-inspired thing to challenge us with. Personally, I am no more inclined to start a church now than I was before I went to Tucson on Friday. However, I am totally encouraged that I can do what God has called me to. I believe beyond a doubt He has called me to something much greater than myself (the details of which are still fuzzy), and most of the time I am terrified. But this weekend, I met some college kids who planted a church! Four college students, one pastor, his wife and their two kids, in the middle of Tucson. They planted a church!

And then I am reminded. A young girl and her husband raised the God of the universe for a few years. I am reminded, a young man slayed a giant and became a war hero. I am reminded of so many young ones called by God to do His work. It only took Him six days to build the Earth, just think of how much He can do with me in a couple years.
My prayer for my dear college students is that we don't lose track of whatever God has revealed to us because of all the daily questions college raises, but we focus on what really matters. That we follow the path God has laid out for us with the thought always on our mind that God loves all the lost people around us, and His desire is to use us to reach them.

I often ask God why He chose us to do His work. He still hasn't answered that one yet, but I suspect it is for the same reason He sent His Son: He loves us, and He wants us to love Him. By allowing us to show His glory, we also show Him our love. This is His delight. If that idea doesn't humble you, you must not have the same picture of God that I do, because this revelation continuously brings me to my knees.
I feel often like the lowest person among people when I approach God about His call on my life. I see all my faults, and everyone else seems less hole-ly and a lot more holy. She has more experience, and he a better testimony. She has more money, and he more faith. They definitely know their Bible better, and the others have more love for the lost. Why me, my Lord? I am willing, honored, really, but why? Is not their a less faulty servant that you could use?

But God reminds me, in my weakness He is strong. In my failures, His success more easily shows itself. So again I surrender to the Most High God and pray that I do not fail Him.

And, now, we move forward, together, my friends and I, on our at once separate and united journeys toward Eternity. Desperately, we strive for more to join us, and so provide them with the Key that unlocked our chains. And we question new things? Does God want me to plant a church? Is God calling me to move in order to better serve Him? In what way can I be most effective for Christ while my when and where is now and here?

Again, I ask for your prayers. And I challenge you, if you haven't already, ask yourself these questions. You may be surprised by what you discover, about God and yourself. I certainly was.

Missionary Hicks

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