Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Down down up up down

So, it's been awhile since I've posted anything, so I thought it was about time. I have been so busy. I always think that next month will be the month things slow down, and I am constantly surprised that I continue to have things to fill my time with. Last month that included finals, a play, and two major holidays. This month it would seem is full of school, oral surgery, birthdays, and a trip to Africa. Not to mention work, family, and trying to find time for friends. And so is the life of a college student.

However, I am excited to say that funds have been raised, mostly. And this list was emailed to me about acceptable donations for my trip:

1.Queen white sheet set sold at Walmart…brand is Canopy.
2.Bible Flannel Graph (tells Bible stories with felt figures)
3.Puppets and portable puppet show
4.Bible puppets if possible
5.Coloring books and colored pencils (they have crayons in ET)
6.Bubble wands, bubble guns, bubble machines (no need to carry bubbles as they are heavy and we can make them over there)
7.Kids Parachutes (the kind with the handles that kids can hold on to)
8.Pop-up tent style play forts (some have tunnels that connect boxes together that kids crawl through…light weight, etc) The kids have so much fun with these!
9.Deflated soccer balls
10.VBS and/or Awanas type supplies…craft kits, etc.
11.Lincoln Logs (a lot of people have these laying around…used ones are fine)
12.Children’s Bible DVDs of any kind…again, used are fine…with or without the case is fine

So, today, I am going shopping! Soon we will be on our way, so please keep me, Erica, and the other 19 people on this trip in your prayers as we head across the globe to share Christ's love with the people of Ethiopia. I could not ask for a better birthday present! (Let's just hope all my instructors are understanding.)

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