Friday, November 7, 2008

It's about that time again..

I know every one's been asking for pictures of my nephew, but there just aren't very many yet. Soon... soon.
This post is actually about something else. My birthday, kind of...
For those who have been around me for my birthday, you may have noticed that I love birthdays. I know many people who see birthdays as dreadful, and just a day of embarrassment. I, on the other hand, love to have people sing to me, and wish me happy birthday. I love cards that show me that the people I love also love me. I am not big on gifts, but I do enjoy any gesture on my birthday.
In the past I, like most people, have had my share of good and not so good birthdays. Last year was definitely the not-so-good peak. And my 16th birthday was definitely the best.
This coming birthday (as well as the birthday of my friend Amy with whom I shared the best 16th birthday ever) I will be in.... wait for it.... wait for it....
That is if I can raise (well, if God is willing to provide, that is) the funds necessary for this trip.
My friend Erica, who recently adopted from Ethiopia, told me that she was going alone. I just could not allow that. Besides, my passport is getting rusty.
Actually, it was a total God thing. I had been praying about how I could serve God oversees and still do all the things I have already committed to do here. I just kept thinking, "It would be awesome if there was an opportunity in the winter."
Then, a few weeks later, Erica told me about her trip. I told her I would pray about it. And I did. I was not really sure. So I decided to talk to my dad. He was really supportive. Which shouldn't have shocked me, but it did.
Then I told my brother and his wife, only seeking their prayers and opinions. They offered support in "any way they could help."
So, then I went on the Women's Retreat, and returned knowing God wanted me to commit to this. So, I did, but I guess not fully, because it took me awhile to tell anyone (even Erica). So, here is me proclaiming my commitment. And my faith that God will take care of me and everything He has called me to do.
So, please pray for me, and for Erica, as we prepare to follow God to a far off land.
This is my prayer:
"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us-- Selah. That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations." --Psalm 67:1&2

Ok, and now, here I am about a week late starting this so here is what I am thankful for:
1.Freedom in Christ (Galatians...fireworks...4th of July...yep, those illustrations really stick.)

2.My parents. I truly don't know where I would be without the parents who have given a balance to my life and raised me to love God and His Word. Especially my father, the walking concordanance and my earthly (not quite perfect) example of my Heavenly Father.

3.My sisters. I love them both, and their differences help me to respect and care for others that I might not otherwise love.

4.My brother, his wife, and his two children. In adulthood, my brother has become the sibling that I am closest to, and Stephi is one of my best friends. Their kids are the joy of my life, teaching me so much about the beauty of God.

5.My dear friend, Amy who I miss so much, who has just this week surprised me with a lovely gift in the mail.

6.All my friends at CCS, who pray with and for me, who inspire and encourage me and serve along side me.

7.My brothers and sisters in Christ at EMCC. (And those who no longer go here.) They brought light to a world of darkness otherwise known as Public College.

More to come.


God's Girl said...

Wow! I am excited to hear about this missionary trip! That's awesome!

Rachael, you are such a sweet servant of the Lord! God is using you in mighty ways! Your heart for the Lord really blesses me!

I'll be praying for you!


Lauren said...

Wow Rachael that is AWESOME! I will be praying for you and your trip. You are such an inspiration to me!

Erica said...

Woo hoo! Excited to see how God provides for both of us. Can't wait to see what God has in store.