Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This is the title of a song about testimony. The basic idea is that all Christians have their own story of how Christ has changed them and used them. Mine goes a little something like this.

Every Friday was Chapel day at VCA (my school). As a seven-year-old, this was usually a time for me to sing fun songs and to talk to friends without getting caught by the teacher. The pastor was always talking about wisdom and Proverbs. He seemed pretty angry. One week, he got up and was talking about how we were all going to Hell because we are sinners. Well that really scared me. After chapel, our teacher told us about a prayer that could save us. We were learning about Heaven that month, and she said if we said this prayer, we could go to Heaven with God. Well, I may have only been seven, but I knew that Heaven with a loving God was much better than Hell with the devil.
So I raised my hand and said the prayer.
The next week, I knew I had messed up again, and I was certain that my magic prayer should be said again. So I raised my hand.
My teacher promtly informed me that it was ok if I wasn't sure, but that I only needed to say the prayer once, and that God heard me. I wasn't so sure. The magic words must have worn off by this point. So, I repeated them again.
The next week, I didn't tell my teacher, I just said the prayer. I said it every week for a few months.
Then one day my children's choir went to a crusade. The preacher told us about how God loved us even though we mess up. He told us that when Jesus died it was to cover our sins. He said all we had to do was let Jesus come into our lives and be our Lord. To accept His salvation.
I had heard all these words before, but on that day it all made sense. On that day, I knew that God had sent His Son to die just for me. It finally clicked.
Well, this time, when I said the prayer, the words were a little different, and I knew they weren't magic. I just told God how I felt, and I knew that I was set for eternity. And the next week, I didn't have to say the prayer again.
And that is the beginning of my story. It is a long story full of good and bad times. Full of doubt, tears, and fears, but more than that full of Joy, Hope and Grace.

"So, what's your story about His glory?"

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