Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Falling in Love

It's like the wind. I can't see it, but I feel it.
Jamie Sullivan-A Walk to Remember

My First Love - A Poem

My first kiss was at your feet,
and as I pray, and our eyes meet,
I can't help, but be
overcome by you.
My First Love

I held your hand for the first time:
a shy girl, afraid to even try.
But you drew me in
and held on tight.
My First Love.

The angels joined, our first time dancing,
and I could hear their rejoicing.
Now, deep in my heart,
I am waiting
On My First Love.

I see our wedding in my mind.
You waiting as I walk down the isle,
and I just fall
in love again with
My First Love.

Christian radio is full of songs that rightly express love for God, but sometimes, they seem awfully romantic. Last week, in my blog, I talked about God as a Father. Well, as true as it is to say that God is our Father, that is only 1/3 of the Trinity. And that definitely doesn't even come close to describing the depth of even that personality.
Most of my life, being raised in church, I have seen God as a Father. As a teenager, I started to finally see God as a friend as His Spirit quietly consoled me. But, recently, through books based on Biblical Truth, and my own quiet time with God and His Word, I have learned something radical about the heart of my Savior.
He is in love with me.
He is head-over-heels, googly-eyes, to-the-moon-and-back, hold-your-hand, in love with me!
Why? I really don't know. No one else has ever been in love with me. But sometimes, I am so aware of this truly romantic love that it makes me blush.
When I first realized this, I thought that I must be mistaken. I thought, Rachael! How dare you think of God this way! But I've come to realize it is very right and good. In fact, it is Biblical for me to see Jesus as my lover.
He constantly romances me. He is wooing me. And he's begging me to love him back. In fact, our earthly ideas of love and romance seem almost silly in light of this love. They pale in the radiance of the Lover of us. He set up marriage as an example of his own true love story.
John and Staci Eldredge wrote a book that helped me realize this. In Captivating, I found this description of our Author of Romance:
Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart. God's version of flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinners comes in the form of sunsets and falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens, and fierce devotion.
We (the church) are the bride of Christ! He finds us absolutely breathtaking. And while I have been romanced with gifts of my favorite flowers and romantic dinners, and even some very thoughtful items, no one has given me gifts like God. And once I opened my eyes and heart to these gifts, I wanted only to bask in His love.The truth is, right now, I can't help but love my Jesus. I feel like I'm in a new relationship, and when I remember that this Lover of mine knows all my fault, I turn red, and my palms sweat.
But then, He draws me close and as I stiffen in His embrace, He whispers, "I love you. I always have. I always will. I made you perfect, and that's how I see you. You are more than beautiful. You are beauty."
And I melt. I melt in God's love for me.

Here's some verses and song lyrics that spoke to me about this.
Revelations 2:4, 19-20, 22; 22:17; 1 Corinthians 7:34; Hebrews 13:4; 1 Peter 3:3-4; Song of Songs 1:2-4; Esther 2:17; Genesis 29:18; Ephesians 5: 25-27, 31-32; James 4:4, 8

You've been a mistress my wife,/chasing lovers that won't satisfy./Won't you let me make you my bride.//You're my beloved./Beloved, I'm yours./ And death shall not part us./ It's you I died for.... Come drink of my lips and you'll taste pure life.
Beloved- Tenth Avenue North

You're better than drugs./ Your love is like wine.
Better Than Drugs - Skillet

For You, I sing; I dance./ I rejoice in this divine romance./ Lift my heart and my hands to show my love./To show my love.
Divine Romance - Phil Wickem

I'm getting into you/because you got to me / in a way words can't describe./ I'm getting into you/ because I've got to be./ You're essential to survive./ I'm gonna love you with my life.
Getting Into You - Relient K

I love you more than the sun/and the stars that I taught how to shine./ You are mine,/and you shine for me, too./ I love you./ Yesterday and today and tomorrow./ I'll say it again and again./ I love you more.
More- Matthew West


God's Girl said...

I absolutely love this! Thank you for sharing Rachael! Sweet insight!

Thanks for my birthday card too. : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael!

I added you to my blogroll so I can follow your blog! :)